In the ongoing gun battle for being crowned as the worst person on television, Joy Reid is always in the running, and her monologue on International Holocaust Remembrance Day — and why Donald Trump and his crusade against illegal immigration is just like Adolf Hitler and the Final Solution — is the ultimate example of either her ignorance or her sheer moral depravity.
Or both, of course.
"Eighty years ago today, Stalin's Red army walked through the gates of Auschwitz and uncovered the true inhumanity and evil of the Nazi regime. Millions of men, women and children murdered. Thousands more starved, beaten, humiliated and robbed of their dignity," Reid began. "The extermination of Jewish people, Poles, Roma, Soviet prisoners of war, gay people and others was no secret. It happened in broad daylight. But how did Hitler do it? Well, with the support of millions of ordinary Germans who just wanted Germany to be great again, and business leaders who initially thought they could control him, plus a cadre of devout political allies willing to do whatever he said for the sake of power."
So far, she's not wrong, except for her careful erasure of the deep-seated centuries-long antisemitism that was rampant in Europe prior to the rise of Hitler.
Why? Because it's far more convenient to push the ahistorical lie that Hitler introduced antisemitism to Europe.
But then, Joy Reid went full-on, well, Joy Reid.
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"History may not repeat verbatim, but it sure does rhyme. Trump and Stephen Miller, his former director of speechwriting, depict non-white immigrants as carriers of deadly diseases who are violent terrorists. Trump was returned to the presidency after staging a coup and has exerted control of media or social media in order to parrot anti-immigrant vitriol and openly hateful anti-LGBTQ language, which is what Meta just did," Reid said. "And then there are the business leaders who pay him, fund him and think they can control him. And then there was this startling image of Trump's biggest paymaster, Elon Musk, that many likened to a Nazi salute."
History does rhyme, but the "history" Reid is creating? It rhymes about as well as the latest overrated bucket of word vomit published by Amanda Gorman.
Now, when it comes to political rhetoric, anyone with an internet connection or a library card could draw fuzzy lines between some of the language of Nazi Germany and Trump's MAGA movement. But guess what? Exactly the same could be said of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the entire Democratic Party!
Except for the fact that when Democrats call on voters to fight, it's rhetorical, but when Republicans call on voters to fight, it's literal.
The issue here, though, isn't just the standard "Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler" routine. No, it's Joy Reid's disgusting bastardization of the Holocaust as a cheap political attack against the democratically elected president of the United States who — last time I checked — has not called for the extermination of a single race of people, has not engaged in a militaristic crusade across the world and has not dragged millions of law-abiding citizens of the United States out of their homes to be gassed like vermin simply because of their faith.
And don't miss the subtle-and-yet-disgusting insinuation Joy Reid — and many others — make when they use the Holocaust in this way: the direct comparison of the deportation of illegal immigrant criminals to the mass murder of law-abiding Jewish citizens.
Unless Joy Reid believes that Jews are also illegal by nature of their religion, in which case, she rhymes with Hitler far more than Trump ever could.